Bayes Rules!
I’m the co-author of Bayes Rules! An introduction to applied Bayesian modeling.
And yes, it’s really called Bayes Rules!. With an exclamation point. This is a joint project with the fantastic Miles Ott (@Miles_Ott) and Mine Dogucu (@MineDogucu). This is us at our first writing retreat:

- Where's the book?
An open-source version is available at It is also available in print, published by CRC press, here.
- Why did we write this book?
The popularity of Bayesian methodology has outpaced the curriculum needed to support it. Though excellent resources for learning Bayes do exist, most are targeted at the graduate level. This needn’t be the case. We want to make Bayesian methodology accessible to undergraduate students and practitioners with comparable experience.
- What are the guiding principles behind this book?
- We believe that people learn by doing, thus our book is data driven and introduces readers to the tools needed to do Bayesian statistics. To this end, we use
and associated R packages.
- We understand that Bayesian statistics doesn’t exist in a vacuum, thus covering Bayesian methodology devoid of context would be irresponsible. Throughout the book, we weave in discussions of ethical and practical considerations of Bayesian analysis.
- We are dedicated to making the Bayesian Statistics community more accessible and inclusive. We want all of our readers to be excited about Bayesian Statistics. We want all of our readers to feel engaged in the broader Bayesian community. We are hopeful that, from our delivery of the material to the examples we choose, this book will extend that invitation.