19 Hierarchical posterior analysis
Dig deeper into a posterior analysis of a hierarchical model.
Bayes Rules! Chapter 16.
19.1 Warm-up
In our Spotify analysis, let \(Y_{ij}\) denote the popularity of the \(i\)th song for artist \(j\). Then there are two equivalent ways to express our hierarchical “one-way ANOVA” model:
\[\begin{split} Y_{ij} | \mu_j, \sigma_y & \sim N(\mu_j, \sigma_y^2) \\ \mu_j | \mu, \sigma_\mu & \stackrel{ind}{\sim} N(\mu, \sigma_\mu^2) \\ \mu & \sim N(m, s^2) \\ \sigma_y & \sim \text{Exp}(l_y) \\ \sigma_\mu & \sim \text{Exp}(l_{\mu}) \\ \end{split}\]
- \(\mu_j\) = the typical song popularity for artist \(j\)
- \(\mu\) = the typical song popularity for the typical artist
- \(\sigma_y\) = the variability in popularity from song to song within any individual artist
- \(\sigma_\mu\) = the variability in typical popularity from artist to artist
Or, letting \(b_j = \mu_j - \mu\) denote a subject-specific tweak:
\[\begin{split} Y_{ij} | \mu_j, \sigma_y & \sim N(\mu_j, \sigma_y^2) \;\; \text{ with } \mu_j = \mu + b_j \\ b_j | \sigma_\mu & \stackrel{ind}{\sim} N(0, \sigma_\mu^2) \\ \mu & \sim N(m, s^2) \\ \sigma_y & \sim \text{Exp}(l_y) \\ \sigma_\mu & \sim \text{Exp}(l_{\mu}) \\ \end{split}\]
Then we can simulate the hierarchical posterior model:
# Load packages
# Load & reorder artist levels
<- spotify %>%
spotify select(artist, title, popularity) %>%
mutate(artist = fct_reorder(artist, popularity, .fun = 'mean'))
# Calculate the mean popularity & number of songs for each artist
<- spotify %>%
artist_means group_by(artist) %>%
summarize(count = n(), popularity = mean(popularity))
# Simulate the posterior hierarchical model
<- stan_glmer(
hierarchical_model ~ (1 | artist), data = spotify,
popularity family = gaussian,
chains = 4, iter = 5000*2, seed = 84735, refresh = 0)
WARM-UP 1: posterior predictions
In the previous activity we explored posterior predictions from this model. Consider two posterior predictive models.
- Why does it make sense that Frank Ocean’s posterior predictive model higher than yours?
- Why does it make sense that Frank Ocean’s posterior predictive model narrower than yours?
# Simulate the posterior predictive models
<- posterior_predict(
hierarchical_model,newdata = data.frame(artist = c("you", "Frank Ocean")))
# Plot the posterior predictive models
mcmc_areas(two_predictions, prob = 0.8) +
xlab("popularity") +
::scale_y_discrete(labels = c("you", "Frank Ocean")) ggplot2
WARM-UP 2: shrinkage
Consider summaries of the posterior predictive models for all artists in our sample.
This plot displays the “shrinkage” phenomenon. What does this mean?
Why is Sean Kingston’s posterior median prediction shrunk more than Frank Ocean’s?
Why is Mia X’s posterior median prediction (at the lower end) shrunk more than Michael Kiwanuka’s?
# Simulate posterior predictive model of song popularity for each artist
<- posterior_predict(
predictions_hierarchical newdata = artist_means)
# Plot posterior prediction intervals for each artist
artist_meansyrep = predictions_hierarchical,
prob_outer = 0.80) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 58.4, linetype = "dashed") +
ggplot2labels = artist_means$artist,
breaks = 1:nrow(artist_means)) +
xaxis_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)
19.2 Exercises
Ask some follow-up posterior questions about our Spotify model.
- Check in with your group
What’s one thing you did for fun this past week?
Still matters: Prior specification
In our simulation, we utilized weakly informative priors. Check out the prior specifications below and interpret the prior model on \(\mu\) (Intercept
) in the context of the Spotify analysis. Note whether this is informative or not.prior_summary(hierarchical_model)
- Still matters: MCMC diagnostics
Our hierarchical posterior model was simulated using MCMC techniques. Construct 2 types of plots that help you assess whether this simulation has stabilized, hence whether we should trust the resulting posterior approximations.
NOTE: There are 47 total parameters in our model: 44 \(\mu_j\) terms, \(\mu\), \(\sigma_\mu\), and \(\sigma_y\). Plotting the chain results for all of them would take some time. Instead, you might start by focusing on just the global parameters \(\mu\), \(\sigma_\mu\), and \(\sigma_y\) by including the following argument:pars = vars(-contains(" artist:"))
- Still matters: pp_check (and other model evaluation questions)
Before analyzing the posterior, it’s important to question how wrong our model might be. To this end, do app_check()
. NOTE: Before applying this model, it would also be important to question its fairness and evaluate the quality of its posterior predictions, but we won’t do that here.
- Posterior analysis: global mean \(\mu\)
With some reassurance about our simulation and model, let’s dig into some posterior summaries. Let’s start with the global parameters that apply to all artists, not just those in our sample. To this end, we’ll first explore \(\mu\).- Take note of the syntax!
- Interpret the 80% posterior credible interval for \(\mu\) (
) in the context of the Spotify analysis.
tidy(hierarchical_model, effects = "fixed", conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.80)
- Take note of the syntax!
Posterior analysis: global standard deviation parameters \(\sigma_\mu\) and \(\sigma_y\)
Next, consider the global standard deviation parameters. Take note of the syntax!tidy(hierarchical_model, effects = "ran_pars")
- How can we interpret the posterior median estimate of \(\sigma_\mu\),
?- Across all songs and artists, the typical song popularity varies with standard deviation 15.2.
- The typical song popularity varies by 15.2 points from artist to artist.
- Song popularity varies by 15.2 points from song to song within individual artists.
- Across all songs and artists, the typical song popularity varies with standard deviation 15.2.
- How can we interpret the posterior median estimate of \(\sigma_y\),
?- Across all songs and artists, the typical song popularity varies with standard deviation 14.0.
- The typical song popularity varies by 14.0 points from artist to artist.
- Song popularity varies by 14.0 points from song to song within individual artists.
- Across all songs and artists, the typical song popularity varies with standard deviation 14.0.
- How can we interpret the posterior median estimate of \(\sigma_\mu\),
Decomposition of variance
One powerful aspect of hierarchical models is that they help us better understand the variability in song popularity. Specifically, we can decompose the total variability in popularity across all songs and artists by the variability due to differences in artists (\(\sigma_\mu^2\)) and the variability in songs within artists (\(\sigma_y^2\)):\[Var(Y) = \sigma_\mu^2 + \sigma_y^2\]
- Using the
data, calculate the observed total variability in popularity across all songs and artists. - Prove that this total variability is equal to the sum of the observed \(\sigma_\mu^2\) (
) and \(\sigma_y^2\) (14.0^2
). NOTE: The results will be off due to rounding.
- Using the
- Analysis of variance
In light of the previous exercise:- What proportion of the variability in popularity from song to song is due to differences between artists? NOTE: For consistency, just use the 15.2 and 14.0 numbers in your calculation, not the total variability calculated from scratch.
- What proportion of the variability in popularity from song to song is due to fluctuations in song popularity within individual artists?
- What proportion of the variability in popularity from song to song is due to differences between artists? NOTE: For consistency, just use the 15.2 and 14.0 numbers in your calculation, not the total variability calculated from scratch.
Posterior analysis: groups (part 1)
Now that we have a sense of the global parameters, hence the population of all artists, let’s consider the group-specific patterns among our sampled artists. First, obtain the posterior summaries for the “tweak” parameters \(b_j\).- Take note of the syntax.
- Interpret the posterior median estimates for
<- tidy( artist_summary effects = "ran_vals", hierarchical_model, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.80) # Check it out artist_summary
Posterior analysis: groups (part 2)
In some cases, we might wish to convert our observations about \(b_j\) to observations about the group-specific means \(\mu_j\):\[\mu_j = \mu + b_j\]
This is possible, but the syntax is messy. Check out each chunk below one at a time and note what’s going on:
# Get MCMC chains for each mu_j (using tidybayes) <- hierarchical_model %>% artist_chains spread_draws(`(Intercept)`, b[,artist]) %>% mutate(mu_j = `(Intercept)` + b) # Check it out %>% artist_chains select(artist, `(Intercept)`, b, mu_j) %>% head()
# Get posterior summaries for mu_j <- artist_chains %>% artist_summary_scaled select(-`(Intercept)`, -b) %>% mean_qi(.width = 0.80) %>% mutate(artist = fct_reorder(artist, mu_j)) # Check it out %>% artist_summary_scaled select(artist, mu_j, .lower, .upper) %>% head()
# Plot the posterior models of mu_j for all artists ggplot( artist_summary_scaled,aes(x = artist, y = mu_j, ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper)) + geom_pointrange() + xaxis_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)
- Posterior analysis: groups (part 3)
Consider some follow-up questions for the previous exercise.- Why are the posterior models of \(\mu_j\) much narrower than the posterior predictive models for the artists that we reviewed in the warm-up?
- Why is the posterior model for Sean Kingston’s \(\mu_j\) term much wider than that for Frank Ocean’s?
- Why are the posterior models of \(\mu_j\) much narrower than the posterior predictive models for the artists that we reviewed in the warm-up?
Posterior prediction (part 1)
Finally, let’s do some posterior prediction. You’ve already used the shortcutposterior_predict()
function, but it’s important to understand how these predictions are made. To do this from scratch, we can use the 20,000 MCMC values for each parameter. Run the chunk below and check out how these chains are labeled:- \(\mu\) =
- \(b_j\) =
[(Intercept) artist:j]
- \(\sigma_y\) =
NOTE: this is on the standard deviation scale - \(\sigma_\mu^2\) =
NOTE: this is on the variance scale
# Store the simulation in a data frame <- as.data.frame(hierarchical_model) hierarchical_model_df # Check out the first 3 and last 3 parameter labels %>% hierarchical_model_df colnames() %>% as.data.frame() %>% slice(1:3, 45:47)
- \(\mu\) =
Posterior prediction (part 2)
Let’s start by predicting the popularity of the next song for an artist in our sample:Frank_Ocean
. Since we observed Ocean, we have a posterior understanding of their tweak \(b_j\), hence mean popularity \(\mu_j\). Thus we only need to appeal to the fact that:\[Y | \mu_j, \sigma_y \sim N(\mu_j, \sigma_y^2)\]
Simulate and plot the posterior predictive model for Ocean’s next song. Some starting code is provided.
<- hierarchical_model_df %>% ocean_chains mutate(b = `b[(Intercept) artist:Frank_Ocean]`, sigma_y = sigma) %>% select(`(Intercept)`, b, sigma_y) # Check it out head(ocean_chains)
Posterior prediction (part 3)
Next, let’s predict the popularity of your next song on Spotify. Since we didn’t observe any data on you, we don’t have any posterior understanding of your mean popularity \(\mu_j\). Thus we must appeal to the fact that:\[\begin{split} Y | \mu_j, \sigma_y & \sim N(\mu_j, \sigma_y^2) \\ \mu_j | \mu, \sigma_\mu & \sim N(\mu, \sigma_\mu^2) \\ \end{split}\]
Simulate and plot the posterior predictive model for your next song. Some starting code is provided.
<- hierarchical_model_df %>% your_chains mutate(sigma_y = sigma, sigma_mu = sqrt(`Sigma[artist:(Intercept),(Intercept)]`)) %>% select(`(Intercept)`, sigma_mu, sigma_y) # Check it out head(your_chains)
- Posterior prediction follow-up
Re-examine the plots of the posterior predictive models for you and Frank Ocean. Now better understanding how these models are simulated, explain mathematically (not just intuitively) why your model is wider than Ocean’s.
19.3 Solutions
- Check in with your group
Still matters: Prior specification
\(\mu \sim N(58, 52^2)\)
We understand that the average song popularity (across all songs and artists) is around 58, though are very uncertain. It’s plausible that \(\mu\) falls anywhere between -46 and 162 (\(58 \pm 2*52\)). This is outside the range of actual popularity levels, 0 – 100.prior_summary(hierarchical_model) ## Priors for model 'hierarchical_model' ## ------ ## Intercept (after predictors centered) ## Specified prior: ## ~ normal(location = 58, scale = 2.5) ## Adjusted prior: ## ~ normal(location = 58, scale = 52) ## ## Auxiliary (sigma) ## Specified prior: ## ~ exponential(rate = 1) ## Adjusted prior: ## ~ exponential(rate = 0.048) ## ## Covariance ## ~ decov(reg. = 1, conc. = 1, shape = 1, scale = 1) ## ------ ## See help('prior_summary.stanreg') for more details
Still matters: MCMC diagnostics
Looks stable.mcmc_trace(hierarchical_model, pars = vars(-contains(" artist:")))
mcmc_dens_overlay(hierarchical_model, pars = vars(-contains(" artist:")))
Still matters: pp_check (and other model evaluation questions)
Looks pretty good.pp_check(hierarchical_model)
Posterior analysis: global mean \(\mu\)
There’s an 80% chance that the average song popularity is somewhere between 49.3 and 55.6.tidy(hierarchical_model, effects = "fixed", conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.80) ## # A tibble: 1 x 5 ## term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 (Intercept) 52.5 2.42 49.3 55.6
Posterior analysis: global standard deviation parameters \(\sigma_\mu\) and \(\sigma_y\)
tidy(hierarchical_model, effects = "ran_pars") ## # A tibble: 2 x 3 ## term group estimate ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 sd_(Intercept).artist artist 15.2 ## 2 sd_Observation.Residual Residual 14.0
- The typical song popularity varies by 15.2 points from artist to artist.
- Song popularity varies by 14.0 points from song to song within individual artists.
- The typical song popularity varies by 15.2 points from artist to artist.
Decomposition of variance
%>% spotify summarize(var(popularity)) ## # A tibble: 1 x 1 ## `var(popularity)` ## <dbl> ## 1 426. 15.2^2 + 14.0^2 ## [1] 427.04
Analysis of variance
# a: roughly 54% 15.2^2 / (15.2^2 + 14.0^2) ## [1] 0.5410266 # b: roughly 46% 14.0^2 / (15.2^2 + 14.0^2) ## [1] 0.4589734
Posterior analysis: groups (part 1)
Our posterior median guess is that Mia X’s typical song popularity is 32.1 points below that of the typical artist and that Camilo’s is 25.9 points above that of a typical artist.<- tidy( artist_summary effects = "ran_vals", hierarchical_model, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.80) %>% artist_summary filter(level %in% c("Mia_X", "Camilo")) ## # A tibble: 2 x 7 ## level group term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 Mia_X artist (Intercept) -32.1 6.85 -40.9 -23.2 ## 2 Camilo artist (Intercept) 25.9 5.04 19.5 32.4
Posterior analysis: groups (part 2)
# Get MCMC chains for each mu_j (using tidybayes) <- hierarchical_model %>% artist_chains spread_draws(`(Intercept)`, b[,artist]) %>% mutate(mu_j = `(Intercept)` + b) # Check it out %>% artist_chains select(artist, `(Intercept)`, b, mu_j) %>% head() ## # A tibble: 6 x 4 ## # Groups: artist [6] ## artist `(Intercept)` b mu_j ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 artist:Alok 49.6 8.67 58.2 ## 2 artist:Atlas_Genius 49.6 -11.8 37.8 ## 3 artist:Au/Ra 49.6 6.91 56.5 ## 4 artist:Beyoncé 49.6 21.7 71.3 ## 5 artist:Black_Stone_Cherry 49.6 -1.63 48.0 ## 6 artist:BUNT. 49.6 -3.80 45.8 # Get posterior summaries for mu_j <- artist_chains %>% artist_summary_scaled select(-`(Intercept)`, -b) %>% mean_qi(.width = 0.80) %>% mutate(artist = fct_reorder(artist, mu_j)) # Check it out %>% artist_summary_scaled select(artist, mu_j, .lower, .upper) %>% head() ## # A tibble: 6 x 4 ## artist mu_j .lower .upper ## <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 artist:Alok 64.3 60.2 68.3 ## 2 artist:Atlas_Genius 47.0 38.9 55.3 ## 3 artist:Au/Ra 59.5 52.2 66.9 ## 4 artist:Beyoncé 69.1 65.6 72.6 ## 5 artist:Black_Stone_Cherry 49.7 42.7 56.6 ## 6 artist:BUNT. 44.6 35.6 53.6 # Plot the posterior models of mu_j for all artists ggplot( artist_summary_scaled,aes(x = artist, y = mu_j, ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper)) + geom_pointrange() + xaxis_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)
- Posterior analysis: groups (part 3)
- It’s easier to predict averages than individual outcomes
- Kingston has a smaller sample size:
%>% artist_means filter(artist %in% c("Frank Ocean", "Sean Kingston")) ## # A tibble: 2 x 3 ## artist count popularity ## <fct> <int> <dbl> ## 1 Frank Ocean 40 69.8 ## 2 Sean Kingston 2 73
- It’s easier to predict averages than individual outcomes
Posterior prediction (part 1)
# Store the simulation in a data frame <- as.data.frame(hierarchical_model) hierarchical_model_df # Check out the first 3 and last 3 parameter labels %>% hierarchical_model_df colnames() %>% as.data.frame() %>% slice(1:3, 45:47) ## . ## 1 (Intercept) ## 2 b[(Intercept) artist:Mia_X] ## 3 b[(Intercept) artist:Chris_Goldarg] ## 4 b[(Intercept) artist:Camilo] ## 5 sigma ## 6 Sigma[artist:(Intercept),(Intercept)]
Posterior prediction (part 2)
<- hierarchical_model_df %>% ocean_chains mutate(b = `b[(Intercept) artist:Frank_Ocean]`, sigma_y = sigma) %>% select(`(Intercept)`, b, sigma_y) # Check it out head(ocean_chains) ## (Intercept) b sigma_y ## 1 49.57965 18.84581 14.03869 ## 2 50.29540 20.63330 13.24216 ## 3 49.24916 19.09251 14.27937 ## 4 51.51161 16.17393 14.28986 ## 5 50.55764 20.18176 13.35980 ## 6 50.77513 20.51210 14.79863 %>% ocean_chains mutate(y = rnorm(20000, mean = `(Intercept)` + b, sd = sigma_y)) %>% ggplot(., aes(x = y)) + geom_density()
Posterior prediction (part 3)
<- hierarchical_model_df %>% your_chains mutate(sigma_y = sigma, sigma_mu = sqrt(`Sigma[artist:(Intercept),(Intercept)]`)) %>% select(`(Intercept)`, sigma_mu, sigma_y) # Check it out head(your_chains) ## (Intercept) sigma_mu sigma_y ## 1 49.57965 14.21865 14.03869 ## 2 50.29540 14.48935 13.24216 ## 3 49.24916 13.54214 14.27937 ## 4 51.51161 12.74468 14.28986 ## 5 50.55764 13.13252 13.35980 ## 6 50.77513 12.46346 14.79863 %>% your_chains mutate(mu_you = rnorm(20000, mean = `(Intercept)`, sd = sigma_mu)) %>% mutate(y = rnorm(20000, mean = mu_you, sd = sigma_y)) %>% ggplot(., aes(x = y)) + geom_density()
- Posterior prediction follow-up
It incorporates an additional source of variability: between artists.