18 A first hierarchical model


Hierarchical models are a powerful tool for analyzing grouped data. Where does this fit within the broader modeling landscape?

  • Hierarchical models are sometimes referred to as multilevel, mixed effects, or random effects models. However, these terms mean different things to different people. To avoid confusion, we’ll simply stick with “hierarchical models.”

  • In grouped data, the rows of a data set are correlated within different groups. This isn’t the only type of correlated data. Rows might also be correlated over time or space (eg: each row represents a different day or location). Take STAT 452 to learn more!


  • Build our first hierarchical Bayesian model of \(Y\) (one without any predictors \(X\)).
  • Implement the hierarchical model in R.
  • Explore shrinkage and the bias-variance trade-off.


Bayes Rules! Chapter 16.

18.1 Warm-up

Let \(Y\) be the popularity of a song on Spotify. Then we want to explore:

  • the typical song popularity
  • how popularity varies from song to song within artist
  • how popularity varies from artist to artist

To this end, we’ll use data grouped by artist:

# Load packages

# Load & reorder artist levels
spotify <- spotify %>%
  select(artist, title, popularity) %>%
  mutate(artist = fct_reorder(artist, popularity, .fun = 'mean'))

# Check out the data
head(spotify, 3)
## # A tibble: 3 x 3
##   artist title        popularity
##   <fct>  <chr>             <dbl>
## 1 Alok   On & On              79
## 2 Alok   All The Lies         56
## 3 Alok   Hear Me Now          75

# Number of songs
## [1] 350

# Number of artists
spotify %>% 
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##   `nlevels(artist)`
##               <int>
## 1                44

# Calculate the mean popularity & number of songs for each artist
artist_means <- spotify %>%
  group_by(artist) %>%
  summarize(count = n(), popularity = mean(popularity))
# Check out the 2 most & 2 least popular
artist_means %>%
  slice(1:2, 43:44)
## # A tibble: 4 x 3
##   artist        count popularity
##   <fct>         <int>      <dbl>
## 1 Mia X             4       13.2
## 2 Chris Goldarg    10       16.4
## 3 Lil Skies         3       79.3
## 4 Camilo            9       81

Let \(Y_{ij}\) denote the popularity of the \(i\)th song for artist \(j\). Recall the complete pooled and no pooled models of \(Y_{ij}\).

Complete pooled model

\[\begin{array}{ll} \text{Layer 1:} & \text{variability from song to song within the population (ignoring artist)} \\ & Y_{ij} | \mu, \sigma \stackrel{ind}{\sim} N(\mu, \sigma^2) \\ & \\ \text{Layer 2:} & \text{priors on global parameters} \\ & \mu \sim N(m, s^2) \\ & \sigma \sim \text{Exp}(l) \\ \end{array}\]


  • \(\mu\) = global mean song popularity (across all songs and artists)
  • \(\sigma\) = global standard deviation in song popularity (across all songs and artists)

No pooled model

For artist \(j\) alone:

\[\begin{array}{ll} \text{Layer 1:} & \text{variability from song to song within artist j} \\ & Y_{ij} | \mu_j, \sigma \stackrel{ind}{\sim} N(\mu_j, \sigma^2) \\ & \\ \text{Layer 2:} & \text{priors on artist-specific parameters} \\ & \mu_j \sim N(m, s^2) \\ & \sigma \sim \text{Exp}(l) \\ \end{array}\]


  • \(\mu_j\) = mean song popularity for artist \(j\)
  • \(\sigma\) = standard deviation in song popularity within artist \(j\)


Our hierarchical model, a balance between the complete and no pooled models, has 3 layers:

\[\begin{array}{rll} Y_{ij} | \mu_j, \sigma_y & \sim N(\mu_j, \sigma_y^2) & \text{Layer 1} \\ \mu_j | \mu, \sigma_\mu & \stackrel{ind}{\sim} N(\mu, \sigma_\mu^2) & \text{Layer 2}\\ \mu & \sim N(m, s^2) & \text{Layer 3} \\ \sigma_y & \sim \text{Exp}(l_y) & \\ \sigma_\mu & \sim \text{Exp}(l_{\mu}) & \\ \end{array}\]

Interpret each layer as well as the model parameters (\(\mu_j, \sigma_y, \mu, \sigma_\mu\)). The following images might be handy.

Our first hierarchical model: “One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)”

Suppose we have multiple data points on each of multiple groups. For each group \(j\), let \(Y_{ij}\) denote the \(i\)th observation. Then the one-way ANOVA model of \(Y_{ij}\) is:

\[\begin{array}{rll} Y_{ij} | \mu_j, \sigma_y & \sim N(\mu_j, \sigma_y^2) & \text{model of individual observations within group $j$} \\ \mu_j | \mu, \sigma_\mu & \stackrel{ind}{\sim} N(\mu, \sigma_\mu^2) & \text{model of how parameters vary between groups}\\ \mu & \sim N(m, s^2) & \text{prior models on global parameters} \\ \sigma_y & \sim \text{Exp}(l_y) & \\ \sigma_\mu & \sim \text{Exp}(l_{\mu}) & \\ \end{array}\]

The 3 layers here address the smallest to the biggest units: individual observations, groups, and the broader population. It depends upon group-specific parameters:

  • \(\mu_j\) is the typical \(Y\) value in group \(j\)

and global parameters:

  • \(\mu\) is the mean of the group means \(\mu_j\), i.e. the typical \(Y\) value for the typical group
  • \(\sigma_{\mu}\) is the standard deviation in means \(\mu_j\) from group to group, i.e. a measure of between-group variability
  • \(\sigma_y\) is the standard deviation in \(Y\) within each group, i.e. a measure of within-group variability

18.2 Exercises


  • Don’t be a no pooled table. You get much less out of an activity if you go through the exercises alone and don’t discuss them with your group. That’s why we sit in a group formation! Today, be sure to discuss each exercise with your group. Before asking the instructor a question, first discuss with your group.
  • To get a sense for how hierarchical modeling results compare to complete and no pooled modeling results, we’ll focus on their posterior predictions. We’ll go into more detail about how to interpret the model and its parameters in the next activity.

18.2.1 The complete pooled model

  1. Check in with your group
    How are you doing? What classes are you planning to take next semester?

  1. Check out the data
    We’ll start our analysis with the complete pooled model which assumes that, ignoring artist, popularity varies normally from song to song:

    \[Y_{ij} | \mu, \sigma \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)\]

    Construct a plot using the spotify data that allows you to assess whether this assumption is reasonable.

  1. Simulate the complete pooled posterior model
    Combining weakly informative priors with the spotify data, simulate the complete pooled posterior model. Interpret the posterior median estimate of the (Intercept) parameter (\(\mu\)).

    # Simulate the posterior complete pooled model
    # popularity ~ 1 indicates we're modeling Y without predictors
    complete_pooled <- stan_glm(
      popularity ~ 1, data = spotify,
      family = gaussian,
      chains = 4, iter = 5000*2, seed = 84735, refresh = 0)
    # Summary
    tidy(complete_pooled, effects = c("fixed", "aux"),
         conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.8)

  1. Complete pooled posterior predictions: intuition
    Consider three different artists:
    • Mia X has the lowest mean popularity in our sample (13).
    • Beyoncé has nearly the highest mean popularity in our sample (70).
    • Macalester Beats is a musical group that we didn’t observe in our sample.
    Suppose we used our complete pooled model to predict the popularity of each artist’s next song. Using intuition alone, what do you think the posterior median predictions will be?

  1. Complete pooled posterior predictions: implementation
    Let’s check your intuition.
    1. Simulate and plot the posterior predictive models for Macalester Beats and Beyoncé. Was your intuition right?

      # Simulate the posterior predictive models
      complete_predictions <- posterior_predict(
        newdata = data.frame(artist = c("Macalester Beats", "Beyoncé")))
      # Plot the posterior predictive models
      mcmc_areas(complete_predictions, prob = 0.8) +
        xlab("popularity") +
        ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(labels = c("Mac Beats", "Beyoncé"))
    2. Use the code below to:

      • simulate the posterior predictive models for each artist in our sample; and
      • plot summaries of these predictive models along with the observed mean popularity levels.

      Describe the behavior of these predictions and why they’re a bummer.

    # Simulate posterior predictive model of song popularity for each artist
    predictions_complete <-  posterior_predict(
      complete_pooled, newdata = artist_means)
    # Plot posterior prediction intervals for each artist
    ppc_intervals(artist_means$popularity, yrep = predictions_complete,
                  prob_outer = 0.80) +
        labels = artist_means$artist,
        breaks = 1:nrow(artist_means)) +
        xaxis_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)

18.2.2 The no pooled model

  1. Check out the data again
    Next, consider the no pooled model which assumes that, within each artist, popularity varies normally from song to song:

    \[Y_{ij} | \mu_j, \sigma \sim N(\mu_j, \sigma^2)\]

    Construct a plot using the spotify data that allows you to assess whether this assumption is reasonable. NOTE: Keep in mind that some artists have very few songs, thus this assumption is difficult to assess.

  1. Simulate the no pooled posterior model
    Technically, the no pooled model would simulate a separate posterior model for each of the 44 artists. This would take too long. Instead, simulate the single “no pooled” model which gives us a sense of how these 44 models would behave. Interpret the posterior median estimate of the artistMia X parameter (\(\mu_1\)). NOTE: The - 1 in the formula removes the comparison to a reference artist.

    Optional detail: This model allows each artist to have a unique mean popularity level, but pools the data on artists to approximate the standard deviation within each artist.

    # Simulate the posterior no pooled model
    no_pooled <- stan_glm(
      popularity ~ artist - 1, data = spotify,
      family = gaussian,
      chains = 4, iter = 5000*2, seed = 84735, refresh = 0)
    # Summary
    tidy(no_pooled, effects = c("fixed", "aux"),
         conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.8)

  1. No pooled posterior predictions: intuition
    Consider three different artists:
    • Mia X has the lowest mean popularity in our sample (13).
    • Beyoncé has nearly the highest mean popularity in our sample (70).
    • Macalester Beats is a musical group that we didn’t observe in our sample.
    Suppose we used our no pooled model to predict the popularity of each artist’s next song. Using intuition alone, what do you think the posterior median predictions will be?

  1. No pooled posterior predictions: implementation
    Let’s check your intuition.
    1. When we try to simulate the posterior predictive model for Macalester Beats, why do we get an error and why is this a bummer?

      mac_no <- posterior_predict(
        newdata = data.frame(artist = "Macalester Beats"))
      mcmc_areas(mac_no, prob = 0.8) +
    2. Next, use the code below to simulate and plot the posterior predictive models for each artist in our sample, along with the observed mean popularity levels. Describe the behavior of these predictions. We’ll see later why these are a bummer.

    # Simulate posterior predictive model of song popularity for each artist
    predictions_no <-  posterior_predict(
      no_pooled, newdata = artist_means)
    # Plot posterior prediction intervals for each artist
    ppc_intervals(artist_means$popularity, yrep = predictions_no,
                  prob_outer = 0.80) +
        labels = artist_means$artist,
        breaks = 1:nrow(artist_means)) +
        xaxis_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)

18.2.3 The hierarchical model

  1. Get to know the data some more
    Next, consider the hierarchical model which, in addition to assuming that popularity varies normally from song to song within each artist:

    \[Y_{ij} | \mu_j, \sigma_y \sim N(\mu_j, \sigma_y^2)\]
    assumes that the mean popularity level varies normally from artist to artist, i.e. between artists:

    \[\mu_j | \mu, \sigma_\mu \sim N(\mu, \sigma_\mu^2)\]

    Recall that the artist_means data includes the sample mean popularity level for each artist. Use this data to assess whether this second assumption is reasonable. (We already checked the first assumption for the no pooled model.)

    ## # A tibble: 6 x 3
    ##   artist        count popularity
    ##   <fct>         <int>      <dbl>
    ## 1 Mia X             4       13.2
    ## 2 Chris Goldarg    10       16.4
    ## 3 Soul&Roll         5       24.2
    ## 4 Honeywagon        3       31.7
    ## 5 Röyksopp          4       33.2
    ## 6 Freestyle         3       33.7

  1. Simulate the hierarchical model
    Combining weakly informative priors with the spotify data, simulate the hierarchical posterior model using a new function, stan_glmer(), with the following formula: popularity ~ (1 | artist). This syntax indicates that we’re modeling song popularity \(Y_{ij}\) without any predictors, where artist is a grouping variable, i.e. our data points are grouped by artist.

    # Simulate the posterior hierarchical model
    hierarchical_model <- stan_glmer(
      popularity ~ (1 | artist), data = spotify,
      family = gaussian,
      chains = 4, iter = 5000*2, seed = 84735, refresh = 0)

  1. Hierarchical posterior predictions: intuition
    Multiple choice: How do you think the hierarchical posterior predictive models of song popularity will compare to those from the complete pooled and no pooled models:
    • they’ll be the same as the complete pooled predictions
    • they’ll be the same as the no pooled predictions
    • they’ll be somewhere in between the complete pooled and no pooled predictions

  1. Hierarchical posterior predictions: implementation part 1
    Let’s check your intuition. First, simulate and plot the posterior predictive model for Macalester Beats and Beyoncé.

    • It wasn’t possible to make a prediction for Macalester Beats with the no pooled model. Is it possible with the hierarchical model?
    • The complete pooled model gave the same posterior predictions for Mac Beats and Beyoncé. How do the hierarchical posterior predictions compare for these 2 artists? Are they centered around the same value? Are they similarly variable? Why does this all make sense?
    two_predictions <- posterior_predict(
      newdata = data.frame(artist = c("Macalester Beats", "Beyoncé")))
    mcmc_areas(two_predictions, prob = 0.8) +
      xlab("popularity") +
      ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(labels = c("Mac Beats", "Beyoncé"))

  1. Hierarchical posterior predictions: implementation part 2 Next, simulate and plot the posterior predictive models for each artist in our sample. The dashed horizontal line at 58.4 represents the posterior median prediction from the complete pooled model. Describe how these predictions compare to those from the complete and no pooled models.

    # Simulate posterior predictive model of song popularity for each artist
    predictions_hierarchical <-  posterior_predict(
      hierarchical_model, newdata = artist_means)
    # Plot posterior prediction intervals for each artist
        yrep = predictions_hierarchical,
        prob_outer = 0.80) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 58.4, linetype = "dashed") +
        labels = artist_means$artist,
        breaks = 1:nrow(artist_means)) +
        xaxis_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)

  1. Shrinkage
    The pattern in the plot above is called shrinkage. In a hierarchical model, posterior predictions are shrunk away from the observed local group trends and toward the global trend. Let’s unpack this.
    1. For which artists are the posterior predictions shrunk the most toward the global mean: those with typical popularity levels or those with more extreme popularity levels?
    2. Toward the higher end of the popularity scale, check out the posterior prediction models for Frank Ocean and Sean Kingston. Though Ocean had the lower sample mean popularity, Kingston’s posterior median is shrunk more toward the global mean, hence lower than Ocean’s. Why do you think this happened? Support your answer with some numerical evidence.

  1. Why is shrinkage a good thing?
    1. You noticed above that shrinkage is greater for groups with fewer data points. In general, why is this a good thing?
    2. You noticed above that shrinkage is greater for groups at the extremes. In general, why is this a good thing?
      Optional: To convince yourself this is a good thing, you might also consider a famous example in which baseball players’ batting averages were predicted using data on just their first 45 at bats of a season (which is relatively little data). This plot exhibits the the “Observed” averages in the first 45 at bats vs the hierarchical “Estimated” batting averages for the remainder of the season. This article provides more detail.

  1. OPTIONAL: Bias-variance trade-off
    Hierarchical models also strike a balance in the bias-variance trade-off. Check your intuition.
    1. Suppose different researchers were to conduct their own Spotify analyses using different samples of artists and songs. Which approach would be the most variable from sample to sample: complete pooled, no pooled, or hierarchical? The least variable?
    2. Which approach would tend to be the most biased in estimating artists’ mean popularity levels? That is, which model’s posterior mean estimates will tend to be the furthest from the observed means? Which would tend to be the least biased?

18.3 Solutions

  1. Check in

  1. Check out the data
    Looks pretty reasonable (though the data’s a bit left skewed).

    ggplot(spotify, aes(x = popularity)) + 

  1. Simulate the complete pooled posterior model
    The average popularity of all songs on Spotify is near 58.4.

    # Simulate the posterior complete pooled model
    complete_pooled <- stan_glm(
      popularity ~ 1, data = spotify,
      family = gaussian,
      chains = 4, iter = 5000*2, seed = 84735, refresh = 0)
    # Summary
    tidy(complete_pooled, effects = c("fixed", "aux"),
         conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.8)
    ## # A tibble: 3 x 5
    ##   term        estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
    ##   <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
    ## 1 (Intercept)     58.4     1.11      57.0      59.8
    ## 2 sigma           20.7     0.781     19.7      21.7
    ## 3 mean_PPD        58.4     1.56      56.4      60.4

  1. Complete pooled posterior predictions: intuition
    Answers will vary.

  1. Complete pooled posterior predictions: implementation

    1. Our best guess is that the popularity will be around 58.4, but we’re not very sure.
    2. The posterior predictive models are the same for each artist, thus entirely ignore the fact that some artists are more popular than others (bummer).
    complete_predictions <- posterior_predict(
      newdata = data.frame(artist = c("Macalester Beats", "Beyoncé")))
    mcmc_areas(complete_predictions, prob = 0.8) +
      xlab("popularity") +
      ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(labels = c("Mac Beats", "Beyoncé"))

    # Simulate posterior predictive model of song popularity for each artist
    predictions_complete <-  posterior_predict(
      complete_pooled, newdata = artist_means)
    # Plot posterior prediction intervals for each artist
    ppc_intervals(artist_means$popularity, yrep = predictions_complete,
                  prob_outer = 0.80) +
        labels = artist_means$artist,
        breaks = 1:nrow(artist_means)) +
      xaxis_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)

  1. Check out the data again
    Seems reasonable – though some plots aren’t very normal / symmetric, these might be based on very few songs.

    ggplot(spotify, aes(x = popularity, group = artist)) +

  1. Simulate the no pooled posterior model
    Mia X’s typical song popularity is around 13.3.

    # Simulate the posterior no pooled model
    no_pooled <- stan_glm(
      popularity ~ artist - 1, data = spotify,
      family = gaussian,
      chains = 4, iter = 5000*2, seed = 84735, refresh = 0)
    # Summary
    tidy(no_pooled, effects = c("fixed", "aux"),
         conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.8)
    ## # A tibble: 46 x 5
    ##    term                estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
    ##    <chr>                  <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
    ##  1 artistMia X             13.3      7.01     4.39      22.2
    ##  2 artistChris Goldarg     16.4      4.35    10.8       22.0
    ##  3 artistSoul&Roll         24.2      6.35    16.1       32.3
    ##  4 artistHoneywagon        31.7      8.03    21.3       42.0
    ##  5 artistRöyksopp          33.3      6.89    24.4       42.2
    ##  6 artistFreestyle         33.7      8.00    23.3       44.0
    ##  7 artistDA Image          36.7      8.08    26.3       47.1
    ##  8 artistJean Juan         36.8      6.42    28.8       45.0
    ##  9 artistTV Noise          38.1      3.75    33.3       42.9
    ## 10 artistKid Frost         40.7      8.05    30.3       50.9
    ## # … with 36 more rows

  1. No pooled posterior predictions: intuition
    Will vary.

  1. No pooled posterior predictions: implementation
    1. The no pooled model can’t be used to study or make predictions for any artist outside our sample. This is a bummer because we don’t necessarily care about these particular artists, but the broader population of artists.

    2. Each artist’s posterior predictive model is centered around their observed mean popularity level.

    # Simulate posterior predictive model of song popularity for each artist
    predictions_no <-  posterior_predict(
      no_pooled, newdata = artist_means)
    # Plot posterior prediction intervals for each artist
    ppc_intervals(artist_means$popularity, yrep = predictions_no,
                  prob_outer = 0.80) +
        labels = artist_means$artist,
        breaks = 1:nrow(artist_means)) +
      xaxis_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)

  1. Get to know the data some more
    Pretty reasonable.

    ggplot(artist_means, aes(x = popularity)) +

  1. Simulate the hierarchical model

    # Simulate the posterior hierarchical model
    hierarchical_model <- stan_glmer(
      popularity ~ (1 | artist), data = spotify,
      family = gaussian,
      chains = 4, iter = 5000*2, seed = 84735, refresh = 0)

  1. Hierarchical posterior predictions: intuition
    will vary

  1. Hierarchical posterior predictions: implementation part 1
    The posterior predictions differ for these 2 artists. As one of the most popular artists in our sample, the posterior predictive model is higher for Beyoncé. Further, since we didn’t observe any data on Macalester Beats, the posterior predictive model is more variable / less certain.

    two_predictions <- posterior_predict(
      newdata = data.frame(artist = c("Macalester Beats", "Beyoncé")))
    mcmc_areas(two_predictions, prob = 0.8) +
      xlab("popularity") +
      ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(labels = c("Mac Beats", "Beyoncé"))

  1. Hierarchical posterior predictions: implementation part 2
    The hierarchical predictive models are centered somewhere between the complete pooled models (centered at 58.4) and no pooled models (centered at the observed sample means).

    # Simulate posterior predictive model of song popularity for each artist
    predictions_hierarchical <-  posterior_predict(
      hierarchical_model, newdata = artist_means)
    # Plot posterior prediction intervals for each artist
    ppc_intervals(artist_means$popularity, yrep = predictions_hierarchical,
                  prob_outer = 0.80) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 58.4, linetype = "dashed") +
        labels = artist_means$artist,
        breaks = 1:nrow(artist_means)) +
      xaxis_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)

  1. Shrinkage
    1. Those with more extreme popularity levels. The hierarchical predictions for these artists draw strength and information from the other data, thus are drawn closer to the global center.

    2. Kingston has a much smaller sample size (2 songs), thus we’ll take the data on other artists into greater account than we did for Ocean (40 songs).

      artist_means %>%    
        filter(artist %in% c("Sean Kingston", "Frank Ocean"))
      ## # A tibble: 2 x 3
      ##   artist        count popularity
      ##   <fct>         <int>      <dbl>
      ## 1 Frank Ocean      40       69.8
      ## 2 Sean Kingston     2       73

  1. Why is shrinkage a good thing?
    1. It allows us to learn from other artists when trying to understand another artist for whom we have little data.
    2. If observations are very extreme (hence possibly just due to randomness), our understanding of the extremes will be modified by the more typical groups.

  1. OPTIONAL: Bias-variance trade-off
    1. most variable: no pooled. least variable: complete pooled
    2. most biased: complete pooled. least biased: no pooled