
  • Joining Slack
    You should receive an email invitation from me with a link to join. I encourage you to download the Slack app for your computer or mobile device, but you can also access it online.

  • Editing your profile
    To update your user name, include your gender pronouns, and change your icon to an image of yourself, I encourage you to Edit Profile when you join Slack. You can also edit your profile by clicking on your icon (typically the first initial of your first name).

  • Preferences
    You can find the Preferences menu if you click on “STAT 155 spring 2022” in the upper left corner of your screen. Within the Preferences menu, you can change the layout, accessibility features (eg: increase font size), notifications (eg: when to receive notifications about posts), etc.

  • Channels
    At the left of the screen are four different “channels”: announcements, homework, in-class activities, and mini-project. When posting to Slack, post to the appropriate channel.

  • Posting on Slack

    • Posting a new message
      In any given channel, there’s a text box where you can write your message.
    • Replying to a message
      To reply to a post, click on “Reply in Thread” in the upper right corner of the post. This keeps conversations organized.
    • Sending a private message
      For private messages, you can email me or send me a direct message within Slack. Click on my name under “Direct messages” in the lower left corner of Slack.
    • Alerting people to a message
      If you’d like to bring your post to someone’s attention, Slack will send them a notification if you mention the person with the @ symbol.
  • Including R code

    • To include R code in a message, type three tick marks (```) or click the </> code button and then start typing code.
    • When asking about an R error message, it’s important to include a screenshot of both the code and the error message (otherwise we won’t have enough context to help you solve the error!).