
This manual contains all in-class materials for MATH/STAT 354. These materials support an active & collaborative classroom. For each activity, please keep in mind the following:

  • You’ll be given a handout with a set of definitions, examples, and exercises. You’re encouraged to take notes on separate paper and to reorganize these notes after class.
  • At minimum, actively engaging in class requires that you have regular attendance and arrive on time.

Thriving in class

  • Throughout class, expect to make mistakes. Embrace it! Take risks and support others as they take risks! This is part of learning.

  • When you get stuck, speak up. As a first step, ask questions from and try to work through the issue with your group members.

  • You shouldn’t expect to work at the same pace as your classmates. Each of us has unique experiences, work styles, notetaking strategies, etc that will contribute to different pacing. If you finish early, take the opportunity to discuss the material with your groupmates & re-work the exercises - this is a great opportunity to solidify your learning. If you’re making an active effort to work through an activity & finish later than others, do not rush yourself. You can discuss anything you don’t finish during OH.

  • You’re encouraged to slow down to absorb the material. Don’t just go through the motions. Stop and think: “What’s the point here? What patterns are emerging? How does this connect to earlier material? What are the natural next steps?” When you finish an activity, reflect on the core ideas you’ve learned from the exercise and organize your notes.

  • Unless an activity requires it, this course has a no laptop / no phone policy.


  • No matter where you land after Mac, you’ll work with other people. These people will have different backgrounds, experiences, interests, humor, working styles, etc than you. Working effectively in such group settings is an essential life skill that requires practice and demonstrably improves learning. In fact, when Google studied the characteristics of a perfect team, they found that the composition of the team isn’t important. Rather, the two key characteristics to a successful collaboration were conversational turn-taking & ostentatious listening. Keep these characteristics in mind throughout the semester.

  • You belong here. You will be challenged and make mistakes. In the process, fight any feelings of impostor syndrome! Remember all of the hard work that got you here. Everyone belongs in this classroom. Everyone will be challenged. Everyone can succeed.

  • Everyone belongs here. Macalester College values diversity and inclusion. We must all be committed to a creating a climate of mutual respect, free of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and other identities and lived experiences, in and out of the classroom. It is essential that we all create a learning environment that is equitable, inclusive, and welcoming.